Waffles in the UAE!

We passed by in an establishment named Belgium Waffles just in front of Abu Dhabi’s post office and the place was eye-catching because of it’s uncomplicated interior and added factor of elegance. We were welcomed by co-Filipinos, well-uniformed just according to the theme of the place.

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This is Yummmmyyy isn’t it? – Heerlijke wafel as they say in Dutch. They call it the Kinder Waffle. I don’t wonder why this became skyrocketed by the founder. From the beautiful presentation to the combination of different known chocolate brands e.g Nutella, M&Ms and a lot more. Oh they do it in front of you too. You would know it’s clean and the smell is pleasing. It’s all over the waffle house. It is a must try for chocolate lovers. I also guess the fruits are handpicked since they are fresh enough. I would know because I grew up in a province full of fruits. Oh I miss Baguio!

The serving is good for two. Just chill down in eating too much of it to lessen the chances of you getting fed up. Eat the waffle then have an alternate of fruits instead. But overall, I wanna have this early in the morning before going to work. I bet you will be hyperactive with those sugar inside you! HAHAHAA! Drink tea or more water after.

Aside from that, there’s plenty you can choose from the menu. Here are some of the pictures of the place.

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Follow them on instagram @belgium_waffles_uae. Enjoy! Let me know if you have some places we can still review in the country. Happy Sunday!

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